Dreams point the way toward healing and wholeness.  They are ‘images in the soul that are becoming’. Synesius, 370 A.D.

In addition to classical dream analysis, the therapeutic methods of active imagination and Sandplay also provide avenues for healing and growth.


To enrich and inform your personal analysis, or simply to continue your education, Jenny provides private seminars in Jungian studies.


Psyche’s Stories: Wisdom from the Depths for the Spirit of the Times

Psyche’s Stories include fairytales, myths and ‘big dreams’ meant for all to hear. Our intention is to actively engage the symbolic language of the objective psyche in order to hear its perspective, collaborate with its creative energies and meet the challenges before us with integrity.

How might the age-old stories guide our approach to living within climate chaos?  a teetering democracy? And, ultimately, each other?  C.G. Jung’s analytical psychology provides a useful lens through which to answer these pressing questions and more.  Intended for adults, fairytales address and reflect imbalances in ‘the ruling principles of collective consciousness’ that impact daily life.  Through them, we identify with protagonists, learn what it takes to navigate impossible tasks, and find reason to hope that we, too, can grow into new states of harmony and wholeness – as one, collective life-sustaining system and as individuals who seek individuation.

Participants will learn how to apply these stories to inner and outer life, develop symbolic perception and bear witness to the interdependence of all living things! 

To sign up, contact:



Staying Sane During A Time of Unraveling: Cultivating Resilience Through Sandplay in Community

 This experiential ‘workshop’ is for those who wish to feel more centered and connected as we navigate our current global predicament.  Sandplay provides both.  As a form of ‘active imagination’, Sandplay engages and makes visible a natural healing tendency in the psyche that aims toward wholeness.  Carried out within a group process, Sandplay provides fresh ground for nurturing our connection with each other.

To sign up, contact:


The ‘analytical container’

To find out more
or to make an appointment:


